Embedded Finance in 2024

I am delighted to be back in India for the next month, meeting with clients and industry leaders while spending time travelling and seeing my family. When I return to India, I am often reminded how crucial fintech is in improving everyday lives and providing access to financial products, among other things. One of the […]

Three AI Use Cases in Financial Services

2023 has seen a lot of discussion about AI in general, and how it will transform businesses. To kick off 2024, I want to share how AI is impacting the fintech industry specifically to improve processes for businesses and outcomes for consumers. Algorithmic Trading Current uses of AI demonstrate the great potential for its use […]

Using Data to build Trust

As part of brand positioning and value creation exercise, I always ask my clients to think about trust. Trust is so important for building a solid brand reputation and consistent customer conversion. One of the most important factors for building trust, is transparency about a business’ use of data. The majority of customers want to […]

A Summary of the India Fintech Market

I always enjoy returning to India, this time to enjoy Diwali, the festival of light and also taking the time to meet some really cool fintechs in India. It amazes me how much the industry has accelerated in the last five years.    The market is growing rapidly, ranked third behind the USA and UK […]

Building a Go-To-Market Strategy

As a marketing and growth advisor, one of the first things I start with is a go-to-market (GTM) strategy.   Gartner define a GTM strategy as:  “a plan that details how an organisation can engage with customers to convince them to buy their product or service and to gain a competitive advantage. A GTM strategy […]

Creating Sustainable Growth through Value Creation

If you are the CEO of a fast-growing fintech company, what I’m going to share next will resonate with you.  With the uncertain macro-economic and socio-political environment, you need to think about new models of value creation through sustained and relevant growth.  Having read McKinsey’s report, Fintechs: A New Paradigm of Growth, it struck me […]

Building Sustainable Business Growth for the Future

As CEO of a fast-growing fintech company, what I’m going to share next will resonate with you. With the uncertain macro-economic and socio-political environment, you need to think about new models of value creation that will be sustained and relevant growth. Having read McKinsey’s report, Fintechs: A New Paradigm of Growth, it struck me how […]

Experimentation as a CMO

How should a CMO balance what the organisation has always done— with marketing experimentation and innovation? Marketing teams may be experimenting within a campaign – to get the right message, reach the right customers, and improving the results. But experimentation should go beyond the campaign to impact the marketing strategy, the approach to analytics, and […]

Diving into the Cross-Border Payments

With a global market size of USD $190 trillion, the cross-border payments industry is supporting many businesses and consumers. Startups founded since 2022 have focused on solving 5 key problems in cross border payments: Interoperability between crypto and macro payments Improving processes for businesses, such as going digital in emerging markets Improving processes for consumers, […]

10 Questions to ask before your next CMO Interview

When you’re interviewing for a CMO position, how do you prepare for the various discussions during the interview process? As someone that has been a CMO, interviewed for many CMO positions and interviewed others for the role, I know the standout candidates are not only well prepared but very clear about their value proposition and […]