10 Questions to ask before your next CMO Interview

When you’re interviewing for a CMO position, how do you prepare for the various discussions during the interview process? As someone that has been a CMO, interviewed for many CMO positions and interviewed others for the role, I know the standout candidates are not only well prepared but very clear about their value proposition and […]

4 Questions to ask before accepting your next CMO Role

As a CMO changing companies comes with new challenges and also exciting new opportunities. You can turn your expertise to a new brand, maybe a new industry, new team or grow your advisory business through your expertise. As a CMO and growth advisor to scale-ups & enterprises within the fintech, SaaS, e-Commerce and high tech […]

Diversifying the Experience of your Board

Every company should be headed by an effective board which is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the company. With higher expectations from customers and investors, the responsibilities of boards and who sits on them is changing. As an advisor to many boards, I have enjoyed being part of the change by using my […]

The Rise of Fractional Leadership: What, Why and When

There has been a lot of talk about the rise of fractional leadership. Allow me to de-mystify the new talent model that is supporting many businesses. When launching my growth advisory, I wanted to provide first-class support across a portfolio of businesses. Rather than moving somewhere full-time, I felt it is important I go into […]

The Rise of the Ecosystem Economy

With the rise of the Ecosystem Economy, more businesses are able to collaborate in ways that bring better value to the companies and their customers. I want to share with you my views on ecosystems and how your business can make the most of them. What is the Ecosystem Economy? Businesses are increasingly looking to […]

Three Non-Negotiables for Board Members

Boards have a great deal of responsibility towards the success of a company, guiding its strategy and ensuring actions improve the company’s value for stakeholders. Having worked as a Board Advisor for a number of businesses, I recognise boards should contain a variety of experiences that share three common values: Firstly, board members should always […]

Can We Overcome Bias Within Ourselves?

As a business leader, I often think about the potential bias I am placing on decisions, my colleagues and my work. Psychologists describe bias as falling into two broad categories: conscious and unconscious, and within each category there are numerous different types of bias.   Here I want to share with you two unconscious biases that […]

Five ingredients for success in a fast-changing financial services landscape

The provision of financial services is changing fast and becoming increasingly competitive. Different marketplace models, platforms and ecosystems are creating an exciting future ahead for those ready to act, with services such as embedded finance and Banking as a Service increasing in adoption.  For me, five key drivers of success in this fast-changing world include:  […]

Five key drivers of successful digital transformation strategy

“Businesses are changing the way they operate. They need to deliver fierce customer loyalty and deep employee engagement to win. It’s all about people: empathy at mass scale as the business imperative of the 21st century.”  This quote from ServiceNow CEO, Bill McDermott, has stuck with me over the years, and is a message that […]

Fintech Platforms and Ecosystems: Successful Models for Growth

For the most part, fintech propositions – purpose-built to optimise mobile and digital channels – came into their own during the COVID-19 pandemic. Banks saw a huge increase in demand for online and mobile banking, and digital payments have seen a similar growth trajectory. Once customers have made the leap to digital very few will […]