10 Questions to ask before your next CMO Interview

When you’re interviewing for a CMO position, how do you prepare for the various discussions during the interview process? As someone that has been a CMO, interviewed for many CMO positions and interviewed others for the role, I know the standout candidates are not only well prepared but very clear about their value proposition and what they won’t settle for!

These are my 10 questions to consider for your next interview process as a CMO.

What is the impact you will have on this business?

It isn’t enough to just fit the skills of the job description. CEOs want to know the impact you will have on the business and what you will deliver. I recommend researching the last 12 months of business performance, market drivers and opportunities and be clear on how you will be their partner in meeting long-term goals.

What are the company’s expectations for the role?

If the business is looking for a seasoned CMO, they might not hire someone that hasn’t been in the position before. Ensure alignment with your experience and aspirations.

What are you getting out of this interview process?

You will have multiple conversations as part of the interview process, and this in itself is a learning opportunity. Use this time to get to know other people within the organisation, the industry, and the company as a whole. I use this opportunity to understand the company culture and the challenges / opportunities they face.

What do the interviewers care about?

The recruiters will have an insight into the business from their time working together. Ask what skillsets the interviewers are looking for, ask about the dynamics of the C-Suite team and ask about the board’s influence on the strategy of the company.

What other roles could you be going for?

Great recruiters build genuine relationships with you not just for a current role but future roles. Be curious and open about what you are looking for in the next CMO role so they can find the perfect fit for you.

What relationships can you nurture during your search?

Develop relationships with the VC talent teams and with the executives you meet for the role – remember paths always cross!

What are you looking to get out of the role?

It’s important to go into the process knowing what your values are and what your non-negotiables are. I always look for a purpose-driven culture and a product and market fit to work with. I want to have an impact on the go-to-market strategy and work with an amazing C-Suite team. Knowing these at the start will give you direction in the discussions.

What is the team like?

Make sure you’re doing your research on the team and company, just as they are for you. Extra research gives you insight into what daily interactions will be like and help you understand if the company is right for you.

Who can give you extra support?

Your network is your net worth. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your existing connections and get feedback on the company or people, or any red flags you may have missed such as the company culture and financial health.

Are you ready to go the distance?

Finding a CMO role isn’t always easy, but it’s important not to settle. Persistence is key: Be prepared for a challenging search and avoid settling for a role that doesn’t align with your worth, values and goals.

If you are a marketing professional searching for your next role, get in touch to join our Talent Vault and work with our clients.