5 Values to make you the Leader you would have wanted

Different leaders gather around a table in an office
Different leaders gather around a table in an office

We all know that having the right leader makes all the difference.

I’ve had my fair share of supportive and empowering leads. As a manager it is important to understand how to be the leader that will drive your team success.

I share my values below, chosen so I can always channel what makes a strong leader.

1) Trust

I start all my relationships from a position of trust, and this has been so beneficial with my team and clients. Trust your team to complete their work, to provide good ideas, and to respect each other. I have found that rather than have my trust broke, people often go above and beyond to meet my expectations, helping my team to perform better.

2) Openness

An open culture is so important within a business. If your team has openness, transparency and communication, you can open your business up to better ideas, suggestions for improvement, and improve that trust mentioned earlier.

3) Innovation

I thoroughly believe that leaders should set an example for their team, particularly when it comes to innovation. You should aim to improve your processes, thinking and product and set a culture of innovation. Being bold and forward-thinking is so important for business and professional development, and as a leader you should recognise this.

4) Commitment

To truly be a part of a team, one must commit to it. As a team leader, you should prioritise the needs of your team and customers, so you can move forward together. In a more senior position you have the opportunity to be a champion for your team, and I have seen how powerful that can be in creating a good culture.

5) Collaboration

A true leader knows that they must also work within the team, not just stay at the front. I often strive for mutual value creation with my clients and team members – only by working together can we all win. By setting an example of collaboration, your team will follow suit and collaborate well within themselves and within the business.

Whether or not you loved your managers, we can all strive to be a support and empowering leader that drives our team to success.

If you need further support as an executive leader, please get in touch.